our solar panel packages

Our Solar Packages

We take immense pride in providing top-of-the-line solar panel systems to our customers. Our range of offerings include SolaX and AlphaESS , two great solar solutions specifically designed for low energy consumption homes.

For example, where you only have two people living together and fewer electrical devices than the average home. What makes our service unique is that we still take the time to design your solar system and tailor it to your home and needs. Many other solar panel providers offer standard plug and play systems that are not designed based on your home’s location, shadowing or energy usage.

The result is a loss in productivity from your solar panels, which means higher energy bills. At MCH Solar Solutions we know it pays to take the time to design the right system for your home.


The good news is that solar panels are generally considered to be a permitted development, meaning that they don’t require planning permission. However, there may be exceptional cases where certain regulations apply. Rest assured that we will be able to advise you on this to ensure compliance.


The SolaX system grows with your family and electrical demands.  It can be fitted inside or outside. One of its unique features is its self heating batteries which means that when the temperature is below zero degrees, it will use some of its own power to self heat so it continues to work. With SolaX, you can buy multiple batteries so that it grows with your electrical demand.


Live in a flat? Want to reduce your energy bill? The AlphaESS is a battery storage system that is the perfect solution if you live in a flat. It allows you to take and store energy from the national grid when it’s at its lowest cost. It’s a modular system which has a battery and inventor in one unit which makes it very compact which means you can keep it in a cupboard. You can with a small 3kw battery and scale that to a 20kw battery. This is a cost effective solution for people living in flats.


By adding batteries to your solar panel system you’ll be able to store excess energy, significantly reducing your reliance on the grid. This gives you lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

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